Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Second American Civil War

There may be a second Civil War in the United States. The first one was over slavery, the second one will be over illegal immigration.

Both are very much issues over states rights, voting rights, economy and census taking. Now, Immigration isnt necessarily about human property rights, but it does fall into human rights boundaries.

If illegal aliens are allowed to be counted in the census, this would be the catalyst for Civil War. Voting districts would be drawn up based on a population that cannot vote. This would give unfair advantage to those districts because they are accountable to fewer people.

That was the single biggest reason for the first Civil War. It wasnt about slavery per se, it was about voting power. That is why the blacks were counted at 3/5th a person. It was a compromise between the North and the South. Also, if slavery was abolished, then the economy of the Southern states which relied on slavery would crumble, as it might with the illegal alien issue.


  1. You better hope there's not another civil war, the first one was bloody enough. I don't hold the lives of the thousands, perhaps millions, of lives that will be lost on a higher plane than some arbitrary concept of "voting power" which will likely have little or no effect on me. I've been to war, and killing over something so minor an issue as artificially inflated district populations is insanity. Good grief man! I would flat out refuse to fight if your prediction pans out.

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